23 Questions Bret Baier Should Ask Kamala Harris

Bret Baier of Fox News requested people to send him potential questions to ask Kamala Harris when he interviews her today, October 16, 2014. The 23 questions I sent him follow. It will be interesting to see if he asks any. It would be amazing that if he does, she actually gives a non-evasive response.

The 23 Questions

1) During a 2022 interview you claimed the U.S. southern border was “secure.” Was that in fact the case?

2) You have been a vocal supporter of bail reform, advocating for the end of cash bail. Cities that enacted those policies have seen massive increases in crime. Do you still support that stance?

3) The Biden/Harris administration set goals for 50% of all new vehicles sold in the U.S. to be electric by 2030. Is that still your position?

4) During your presidential campaign, you endorsed “Medicare for All.” What made you change your mind?

5) You promoted a bail fund that helped release protesters during the 2020 Black Lives Matter demonstrations. George Howard was released on bail with the help of the bail fund. Weeks after his release, Howard was charged with murder in a road-rage incident when he shot and killed a driver on an interstate. Do you now regret promoting that bail fund?

6) You called Jussie Smollett’s alleged attack a “modern-day lynching” before details emerged that the incident was a hoax. As someone who has been a prosecutor, do you believe it is prudent to pass judgment before the facts are known?

7) You once questioned an ICE official by comparing ICE’s actions to the Ku Klux Klan. Do you still believe the comparison is valid? If not, why not?

8 ) You said you were, “the last person in the room” when the decision was made for the Afghanistan withdrawal which resulted in the tragic and unnecessary loss of 13 service members and the abandonment of billions of dollars in military equipment. Do you stand by the decision and believe the withdrawal was done prudently?

9) You criticized voter ID laws, claiming that they suppress voters, particularly minorities. Do you believe that minorities tend to not have government IDs? If so, how did you conclude that?

10) In 2021 and 2022 echoed statements from the administration that inflation was “transitory,” and a temporary result of pandemic-related supply chain disruptions and would quickly subside. And yet, inflation remains and prices remain high. What made you believe that they were transitory?

11) Do you support “packing the Supreme Court” and, if so, if you were elected, would you work to eliminate the filibuster so that you could pack the court?

12) Do you believe that those that have crossed the border into our country illegally and without visas have not committed a crime and are not criminals?

13) As California Attorney General, you defended the state’s death penalty in court. Why then did you not seek the death penalty for the man that murdered San Francisco Police Officer Isaac Espinoza?

14) During your previous presidential campaign, you stated, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.” What is your current stance on fracking?

15) While serving as California’s Attorney General, you had a record of enforcing strict drug laws, including prosecuting marijuana-related offenses. In 2014, you laughed when asked about the possibility of legalizing marijuana. Do you now support marijuana legalization? If so, what changed your mind?

16) Why did you claim that you smoked marijuana in college while listening to rap artists Tupac Shakur and Snoop Dogg when, in fact, those artists had not yet released music when you were in college?

17) When Christine Ford accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault, you adamantly stated, “I believe her.” Do you adamantly believe the accusations that your husband slapped a former girlfriend?

18) When Israeli forces entered Rafah in southern Gaza, they uncovered significant Hamas military infrastructure. This included a vast network of tunnels, with many homes and civilian buildings used to hide these tunnel shafts. Additionally, the IDF discovered large stockpiles of weapons, including assault rifles (such as AK-47s), rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), and ammunition. They also dismantled rocket launchers that Hamas had hidden in the area. Do you now believe the administration’s request that Israel not enter Rafah was wrong?

19) As of the latest updates, seven Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas. As Hamas serves as a proxy of the Iranian government and is predominantly funded by them, why has your administration not held the Iranian government directly accountable for the hostages and not threatened direct action against the Iranians if the American hostages are not released?

20) Since the October 11, 2023 attack on Israel, the US has seen a marked increase in antisemitism throughout the country, primarily in cities and on college campuses. What specific legal actions can voters expect from your administration to tamper down this increase in racist behavior?

21) The Biden/Harris administration eased several of the sanctions placed against Iran by the Trump administration. One end result was the release of $6 Billion dollars in Iranian assets. Many believe much of this was used to support Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza and the Houthis in Yemen. If you win the election will you renew sanctions against Iran?

22) The Biden/Harris administration removed the Houthis from the Foreign Terrorist Organization list in February 2021. Since then the Houthis are wreaking havoc on commercial shipping in the Red Sea. As president, what specific actions would you take to protect commercial shipping in the Red Sea? Would you place the Houthis back on the terror list? Do you now believe it was a mistake to remove them from the terror list?

23) Do you believe Joe Biden is sufficiently mentally competent to remain in office for the remainder of his term? If so, why do you believe he dropped out of the race? If not, why have you not proceeded with your duties as outlined in the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution to remove him?