Two considerations:
- Bearing arms is a right given by nature and protected by the Constitution.
- A license to drive an automobile is a privilege granted by each of the individual states and territories.

Regardless in which US state or territory it was issued, each US state recognizes each other state’s license to operate motor vehicles. However, in terms of recognizing other states’ licenses to carry concealed weapons, this is simply not the case. In many instances this lack of recognition entraps law-abiding citizens and unwittingly places them in jeopardy of being felons.

States with no reciprocity
California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and the District of Columbia will not honor concealed carry permits issued by any other state. And further, each of these states tend be very stingy in the number of permits they issue.
Law abiding citizens with either a concealed carry permit or from a “Constitutional carry” state places him/herself in jeopardy of being arrested and charged with a felony merely for transiting from one state through another.
States with full reciprocity
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont and Virginia will honor concealed carry permits issued by any other state. Those in possession of concealed carry permits from these states may travel within of through any of the others without fear of any ethically unjustifiable arrest or indictment.
States with partial reciprocity
Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming each honor their own specific group of permits issued by other states. In essence, within these jurisdictions it is, essentially, “caveat emptor” as permitted carriers must understand often confusing and sometimes contradictory laws permitting concealed carry.
The numbers
- 8 states and territories with zero reciprocity
- 19 states with full reciprocity
- 18 states with limited reciprocity
In essence, eight states, one on the west coast and seven on the northeast coast, are limiting the natural given rights that are protected and guaranteed under the United States Constitution.
An easy way to correct the injustice

The 19 states that recognize concealed carry permits from all other states should stop recognizing driver licenses issued by states that do not recognize concealed carry permits issued by them. Drivers from non-reciprocity states should not be permitted to operate motor vehicles in reciprocity states.
There are no God-given rights to operate a motor vehicle. There is, however, a God-given right to self defense be it from individuals or a tyrannical government. It is time to coerce, through legal and ethical means, those who trample on the rights of US citizens to conform to the protections guaranteed by the Constitution.
It’s past time for politicians to protect the Constitution and represent the best interests of their constituents.