62 of 75 Largest US Cities in Financial Ruin


Each year Truth in Accounting (TIA) researches and publishes a report on the fiscal health of the 75 largest US cities. This writing is a summary of data presented in a report published by TIA on January 26, 2021: “Financial State of the Cities 2021.”

In addition to the data provided by the TIA report, included is information about the party affiliations of each city’s mayor, and city population data. It is critical to note that the data provided by TIA is pre-coronavirus.

Summary: Financial Soundness of 75 Largest US Cities

Of the 75 cities researched, only 13 of them operated in the black. Of these, 7 were led by democrat mayors and 6 by republican mayors. The total cumulative budgetary shortfall for the 62 cities operating in the red is $354,797, 120,000. This figure is nearly identical to the amount democrats are proposing to add to the Covid relief bill in the form of state bailouts.

There are more than 3 times as many democrat mayors than republicans in the group. However, democrats accounted for almost 30 times the amount of debt. Republicans have a legitimate argument that the state bailout proposal is more political than a means to helping taxpayers recover from the effects of the pandemic. I will leave it to the reader to draw his/her own conclusions.

Local Politics and Fiscal (mis) Management

The party affiliations of the 75 city mayors were 53 democrat, 16 republican and 6 independent. While there are more than 3 times as many democrat mayors than republicans in the group, democrats accounted for almost 30 times the amount of debt than republican led cities.

Party Affiliation# of MayorsCumulative DeficitPopulation Represented % of US
City deficits by party affiliation with the populations affected and percentage of the total US population.

20 Cities, 9 States, Billions of Debt

There is a complete list of all of the data at the end of this essay. In terms of the fiscal health of the 75 largest US cities, 20 cities in 9 states accounted for 75% of the budget shortfalls of the 75 cities in the study. 17 of these cities are led by democrat mayors, 2 by independents and 1 by a republican. These cities are in states typically considered ‘blue.’

The vast majority of these cities have large, extremely wealthy populations. As mentioned in a previous writing, it is disingenuous for democrats to argue they are the “working man’s party” as, with the exception of three, all have democrat mayors. All are led by democrat governors with the exceptions of Maryland and Massachusetts.

StateShortfallPopulation Affected% of US
20 cities in nine ‘blue’ states, with a combined population that represents less than 8% of the total US population, had budget shortfalls of almost a quarter of a trillion dollars in 2020.

Hold Your City Leadership Accountable

I knew that many US cities were in financial dire straits. I was shocked, however, by the extent and pervasiveness of the problem. Regardless your personal political affiliation, it is imperative that you take action to hold mayors and city councils accountable. While the voting booth is one course of action, publicly questioning them at public council meetings is more immediate and likely more effective.

Politics is local and your local politicians are spending and wasting your tax dollars foolishly.

Fiscal Health of the 75 Largest US cities, Ranked

For the purposes of this exercise, TIA did the ranking based upon each city’s budget surplus (or shortfall) and divided it by the number of taxpayers funding the budgets. In what I believe was an attempt to remain politically neutral, TIA did not include any mention of the political affiliation of the mayors; this was added by me. I also added population data to demonstrate the personal and social impact of the surpluses and deficits.

RankCitySurplus / TaxpayerTotal SurplusMayorPopulation
1Irvine, CA$4,100$610,900,000DEM298,739
2Washington, D.C$3,400$920,400,000DEM714,153
3Lincoln, NE$3,400$317,100,000DEM293,446
4Stockton, CA$3,000$299,800,000REP314,835
5Charlotte, NC$3,000$765,600,000DEM912,096
6Aurora, CO$2,400$326,500,000REP388,723
7Fresno, CA$2,300$390,300,000REP537,100
8Raleigh, NC$2,200$308,200,000DEM483,579
9Plano, TX$1,400$164,000,000REP285,537
10Tampa, FL$400$173,400,000DEM404,636
11Oklahoma City, OK$100$61,200,000REP669,347
12Wichita, KS$100$15,900,000DEM391,352
13Tulsa, OK$17$1,800,000REP402,742
14Long Beach, CA($100)($20,200,000)DEM456,154
15Minneapolis, MN($200)($22,100,000)DEM439,012
16Arlington, TX($700)($23,300,000)REP400,316
17Colorado Springs, CO($1,000)($125,900,000)REP489,529
18Greensboro, NC($1,100)($87,800,000)DEM301,094
19Corpus Christi, TX($1,100)($101,700,000)IND327,144
20Chula Vista, FL($1,300)($98,400,000)DEM281,838
21Orlando, FL($1,400)($118,400,000)DEM290,520
22Bakersfield, CA($1,400)($170,100,000)DEM389,007
23Fort Wayne, IN($1,600)($134,100,000)DEM276,286
24Henderson, NV($1,700)($178,800,000)DEM341,531
25Las Vegas, NV($1,800)($37,960,000)IND667,501
26Atlanta, GA($1,900)($262,400,000)DEM524,067
27Saint Paul, MN($2,900)($321,600,000)DEM310,368
28Riverside, CA($3,100)($330,700,000)IND334,772
29Louisville, KY($3,200)($537,300,000)DEM615,924
30Toledo, OH($3,200)($285,700,000)DEM268,609
31Columbus, OH($3,300)($982,700,000)DEM913,921
32Cleveland, OH($3,400)($427,400,000)DEM376,599
33Seattle, WA($3,400)($926,700,000)DEM776,555
34San Antonio, TX($3,500)($1,500,000,000)IND1,579,504
35Sacramento, CA($3,700)($607,500,000)DEM525,398
36Virginia Beach, VA($3,900)($574,900,000)REP450,224
37Indianapolis, IN($3,900)($1,100,000,000)DEM887,232
38Los Angeles, CA($4,000)($5,100,000,000)DEM4,085,014
39Memphis, TN($4,300)($810,000,000)DEM651,011
40San Diego, CA($4,700)($2,100,000,000)DEM1,469,490
41Mesa, AZ($4,900)($717,200,000)REP538,146
42El Paso, TX($5,200)($994,600,000)DEM685,434
43Santa Ana, CA($5,400)($571,900,000)DEM333,130
44Albuquerque, NM($5,600)($850,700,000)DEM562,281
45Denver, CO($5,800)($1,500,000,000)DEM749,103
46Detroit, MI($6,100)($1,300,000,000)DEM664,139
47Anaheim, CA($6,200)($696,100,000)REP349,699
48Anchorage, AK($6,400)($665,400,000)IND282,958
49Phoenix, AZ($6,500)($3,100,000,000)DEM1,743,469
50Omaha, NE($7,500)($1,200,000,000)REP479,978
51Austin, TX($7,600)($2,100,000,000)DEM1,011,790
52Tucson, AZ($8,400)($1,300,000,000)DEM554,503
53Lexington, KY($9,200)($821,200,000)REP324,604
54Fort Worth, TX($9,400)($2,400,000,000)REP942,323
55Jacksonville, FL($10,100)($2,800,000,000)REP929,647
56San Jose, CA($10,300)($3,400,000,000)DEM1,036,242
57Kansas City, MO($11,300)($1,700,000,000)DEM501,957
58Houston, TX($11,600)($7,500,000,000)DEM2,378,146
59Boston, MA($12,000)($3,100,000,000)DEM695,506
60Milwaukee, WI($13,500)($2,800,000,000)DEM587,721
61Dallas, TX($13,500)($5,100,000,000)DEM1,400,337
62Miami, FL($14,200)($2,000,000,000)REP478,251
63St. Louis, MO($14,600)($1,300,000,000)DEM294,890
64Cincinnati, OH($15,200)($1,500,000,000)DEM307,266
65Pittsburgh, PA($16,000)($1,600,000,000)DEM299,718
66San Francisco, CA($16,300)($4,600,000,000)DEM883,255
67Oakland, CA($17,000)($2,300,000,000)DEM440,981
68Baltimore, MD($18,000)($3,800,000,000)DEM575,584
69New Orleans, LA($20,000)($2,000,000,000)DEM388,424
70Portland, OR($20,400)($4,400,000,000)DEM662,549
71Nashville, TN($22,000)($4,300,000,000)DEM678,448
72Philadelphia, PA($25,700)($13,600,000,000)DEM1,590,402
73Honolulu, HI($29,600)($3,500,000,000)IND341,302
74Chicago, IL($41,100)($36,400,000,000)DEM2,670,406
75New York City, NY($68,200)($194,400,000,000)DEM8,622,357
75 Largest US cities ranked by fiscal responsibility.

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